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Care Management
Franklin, TN

give support help empathy and comfort - primary care for elderly in franklin, tn

Designed With You In Mind

Today’s healthcare environment leaves providers with little time to dig into the subtle, underlying causes of our issues. Our team of Care Managers spend the time necessary to consult with patients, families and providers to deeply understand our patients. Those enrolled in our Care Management program receive extensive communication from their care team, including a dedicated telephone line by which they can always talk to someone when in need. Caregivers, families and other providers receive real time information to optimize continuity of care. 

  • Enhanced Family Communication
  • Comprehensive Care Planning
  • Reduce Readmission Risk
  • Higher Quality of Life

Personalized Attention

Patients receive a dedicated nurse Care Manager to assist you with all facets of your care, available for consultation, questions and concerns. Our Care Managers act as a direct line to our team so care is always within reach. 

Coordinated Care

With so many parties involved in an individual’s care, it can be hard for patients to keep everything straight. Our Care Management team helps coordinate and communicate with everyone so nothing is missed.

Peace of Mind

By preventing unnecessary ER and hospital visits, we enable patients to enjoy the peace and quality of life they desire. Our patients rest comfortably knowing we have all of the details covered.